Join us for a life changing journey....

 Inner Alchemy Retreat ~ September 16 - 27, 2024




Japan - land of Ancient Mystery.

This September we will guide a select few to take part in a traditional Inner Alchemy Training Retreat on top of the sacred nature wonderland of Mount Mitake.  

 We are so excited to be facilitating this very magical Taoist Inner Alchemy Retreat Training - truly a once in a lifetime experience of adventure, and mystic discovery.

Our Inner Alchemy Retreat will be an exciting 12 day journey taking place from September 16 - 27, 2024.  

Due to the local conditions in Japan, and to insure a quality experience for our students, we can only allow for a small group of 9 members -  so please register as soon as possible if you are interested in attending this journey

Experience the beauty of the Dragon Isle of Japan with us this September - this will truly be a life changing journey that will stay with you for the rest of your life.   We look forward to sharing the beauty of Japan and the Way of Taoist Inner Alchemy with you this September - let us Wander Free and Easy together in the Mountains of Japan...

Your Guide on this Journey 

During this time training in Japan, you will be taught and guided by Jesse Lee Parker.  Jesse brings a wealth of experience to his lessons, having practiced the Taoist Arts since he was a young teenager, giving him well over 30 years of experience which he draws on in his insightful lessons.  Lessons with Jesse open up a vast and exciting well of wisdom, methods and insight into the Taoist Arts of Qigong and Neidan - Inner Alchemy.

From 2002 Jesse engaged in the study and practice of Inner Alchemy in China. During this period, Jesse led Inner Alchemy Retreats each year with his Taoist Teacher in the Sacred Mountains of China.  This experience gave Jesse many important skills in how to organize group travel and lead retreat trainings, which he will now bring to the members of this Journey to Japan in September.

From 2009, Jesse left China and based himself in Japan. He has been actively teaching in the greater Japan area now for 14 years - living for so long in Japan gives Jesse access to special areas and amazing spiritually charged sites not easily found by the inexperienced first time traveler. 

Come share in the magic and beauty of Japan and train in Taoist Inner Alchemy with us this September.  Join us and begin taking steps to experience greater health, longevity, peace and happiness in your life through the wonderful Way of Taoist Practice and Inner Alchemy.







What is Inner Alchemy...   

 The Taoist Tradition of 'Inner Alchemy'  focuses on the cultivation and  transformation  of our Inner Energy - which supports the birth of our Spiritual Nature.  The practice of Qigong, Transforming the Body, and developing Vital Health of the Body is generally the first step in the long process of moving through the many Stages of Inner Alchemy.  Often this first Step in Training is termed - 'Marrow Washing and Tendon Changing Qigong' and is a Foundation Stage.

Inner Alchemy in the Chinese language is termed 'Neidan" - Nei - - means Inner or Internal and Dan -  - is a reference to the Alchemical Elixir of Immortality.  The use of these two words together gives us a reference to the Alchemical Elixir of Immortality.  In English we will usually translate 'Neidan' as Inner Alchemy Practice.

Taoist Inner Alchemy is concerned with transforming the substance of the Inner Energy of the human being into a refined, rarified, and Pure Quality  - something which is True, Spiritual and Bright. This transformed energy, gathered to the Dantian is often termed the 'Elixir'.  This Transformation of the Inner Energy and Development of the Elixir, will give one Health, Healing, Longevity, Wisdom, and bring one closer to Nature and the Great Tao.

 During our Inner Alchemy Retreat Training in Japan, we will learn a complete and systematic approach of Taoist Inner Alchemy Practice - adhering to the same way as the practice was passed on to us during our Apprenticeship in China. 

During our daily training in Japan, we will bring these esoteric methods into a clear, simple and organised structure for our students.  We will present Inner Alchemy Training and Qigong Practice in an easy to follow process which is organized based on a Preparation Stage which leads to the Three Stages of AlchemicalTransformation - The first of which is the Transformation of Jing Essence to Vital Energy.   We will teach and explain many aspects of Inner Alchemy Practice which are not clear to the general public or easily understood .

During our Inner Alchemy Retreat we will  give our students a direct embodied experience through Daily Practice and  combine this with a detailed theoretical outline, so members may gain real embodied Internal Development and also understand the Traditional Theory.

Our focus is to pass on Practical Training and Real Practice Methods, so the student may gain a clear understanding and return home with a life long practice.  We wish to guide our students to develop their Internal Ability in a healthy, happy, and balanced way.

Taoist Mountain Retreat Training

Training in the mountains has a long history in the Taoist School.  Taoists feel that Mountains hold a very strong, natural energy which supports our practice, and also helps us to find quietude and peacefulness through spending time in the beautiful green nature and tree filled groves. 

This Taoist view holds that training in the Mountains helps in the development of our Qi EnergyThe Taoist views that by learning to Cultivate our Qi Energy, one may come to deeply transform their health, strengthen the physical body, and also develop an enhanced state of longevity. 

The Taoists teach us that it is very helpful for us to take Retreats in Nature - to focus on our personal practice, relax, and take time away from our usual daily schedule and work.  In our Taoist Inner Alchemy Retreat on Mount Mitake this September, we will guide our members to transform their Body, enhance Vitality and cultivate their Inner Qi Energy to a profound level in a retreat setting in the beautiful natural areas of Japan.

During our time on Mount Mitake members will learn a traditional and complete method of Taoist Qigong and Inner Alchemy Practice - students will be guided in the related theory, and also receive direct face to face transmissions.  Online training is good - but training face to face is a completely different realm of experience, and opens up profound possibilities.  This will truly be an amazing and very special event - we look forward to training with you in person on Mount Mitake this September.


Cleanse the Heart and Empty the Mind...

When one Stills the Mind all things shall be in harmony and balance...

By following the principle of Tao’s Natural Way,
all things can be done in a perfect manner.

                                     ~ Lao Tzu





- September 16, 17, 18 - 

Our Journey begins in the historic city of Kamakura - the home of the oldest Zen Monastery in Japan and the place we call home.  In Kamakura we will be staying at a beautiful modern hotel which is a 10 minute walk to the ocean and close to many wonderful temple areas.  We will have morning Qigong Lessons at the Hotel Studio and take relaxing afternoon tours to beautiful nature areas and spiritually charged temple complexes.  We will enjoy wonderful dinners of fine Japanese cuisine, and bond together as a group, preparing for our upcoming epic journey to sacred Mount Mitake.  There will also be a visit to a wonderful Japanese Spa Center, to refresh in the hot baths, get foot massages, and help in the recovery from the long international travel.  We will also enjoy Taichi sessions together at the nearby beach park - refreshing in the splendid ocean breeze and enjoying the beautiful nature.  We will take a few days to catch our breath in Kamakura and refresh ourselves before we travel to the top of Mount Mitake where we will take part in our concentrated Inner Alchemy Retreat Training.


Kamakura Hotel Lodging

Standard double room

Members will stay in beautiful, spacious rooms at our Kamakura Hotel.  There are so many wonderful comforts to enjoy at our hotel such as a large traditional Japanese Sento bath area,

Morning Training Studio

We will have early morning training sessions in Kamakura at our private training studio - located in the bottom floor of our hotel.  There is a wonderful Zen rock garden view in our studio, hard wood floors, and a serene peaceful environment. 

Hotel Meeting room

There are many nice public areas to relax in our Kamakura hotel.  Members  may read, or reflect on their own in these areas, or gather with other members to discuss and share their travel experiences.


Kamakura鎌倉 -  is a coastal town in Kanagawa Prefecture, less than an hour south of Tokyo and will be our first destination on this exciting tour.  Our home is hidden away in the hills of this amazing coastal town, right next to the famous Big Buddha statue.  The town of Kamakura  was an ancient political center of Japan, and also was a very important Spiritual Center for Shintoism, Buddhism, and an important site of the development of Zen Buddhism during the 12th Century.  During your stay with us in Japan we will take trips to the wonderful temples, nature areas and Sacred Sites of Kamakura together.  Please check below of some of the temples in Kamakura that we will visit together during the first few days of our tour. 


Kamakura - Ancient Sacred Sites

Jōchi-ji - Zen temple

Kinpōzan Jōchi-ji is a Buddhist Zen temple in Kita-Kamakura, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. It belongs to the Engaku-ji school of the Rinzai sect and is ranked fourth among Kamakura's Five Mountains. The main objects of worship are the three statues of Shaka, Miroku and Amida Nyorai visible inside the main hall. The temple has a very long history, and was founded in 1283 by Hōjō Munemasa.

Big Buddha - Daibutsu

Kōtoku-in is a Jōdo-shū Buddhist temple in the city of Kamakura in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. The temple is renowned for its "Great Buddha" (大仏 Daibutsu), a monumental outdoor bronze statue of Amida Buddha, which is one of the most famous icons of Japan. It is also a designated National Treasure, and one of the twenty-two historic sites being proposed for UNESCO's World Heritage Sites.

Zeniarai Benten - Shrine

Zeniarai Benten, is a Shinto shrine in Kamakura, Kanagawa prefecture, Japan. In spite of its small size, it is the second most popular spot in Kamakura  prefecture after Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gū. This 800-year-old shrine is unusual as it is completely surrounded by high rock walls. Totally invisible from the outside, Zeniarai Benzaiten can only be reached through a unique cave like tunnel.











- September 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 - 

On day three - we will begin with our morning Qigong lessons at our Kamakura Hotel Studio, take breakfast. We then check out and begin our travel by train as a group to the beautiful nature area of Mount Mitake, which has been a site of sacred worship in Japan for over 2,000 years.  We will stay in a very unique traditional lodging area that is a converted Shrine on top of the mountain.   During our time on Mitake Mountain we will engage in daily Qigong and Inner Alchemy Training sessions three times a day - early morning, afternoon and evening.  We will experience the powerful full moon and also the autumn equinox during our time on this special mountain.  In the afternoon there will be organised hikes to the  beautiful mountain shrines, and waterfall areas.  Our daily meals for our group are carefully hand prepared by an experienced traditional Japanese chef and will be a great support our retreat training.  Members may completely relax, dive into the daily practice, and embrace the beauty of the surrounding nature.

Please take a look at the video below to get an idea of the beautiful nature of Mount Mitake and the area we will stay in for our Inner Alchemy Retreat Training.



Mitake Mountain - Ancient Pilgrimage Site

Traditional Lodging

Our lodging on Mount Mitake is located near the peak of the mountain and was used as a Shine and place of worship in the past.  In modern times it has been converted as a  traditional lodging place for pilgrims who visit Mitake for spiritual practice.  Rooms are traditional style, with tatami mat floors, and there is also a wonderful large communal Japanese bath that members may relax in.

Beautiful Mountain Views

Mount Mitake has an abundance of wonderful views of the many surrounding mountain peaks and valleys.  During our free time members may enjoy hiking in the nature, visiting the shrines, hiking through vast groves of trees and even visit sacred waterfalls used for ritual purification practices called Misogi - 禊.   Mitake Mountain is a famous place for Misogi Practice, and members can hike to these sacred falls and experience their beauty.

Retreat Training Room

During our Inner Alchemy Retreat on Mount Mitake, we will have a wonderful private training hall we will use.  Our large training room is a traditional tatami mat room and comes prepared with an abundance of Zabuton cushions for meditation.  Our Training Hall is separate from the lodging areas - so it is very quiet, and serene.  We have wonderful views of the mountain hillside, and mornings are full of sunlight and fresh mountain breeze.  Truly a perfect place to train in Taoist Qigong and Inner Alchemy.












- September 22, 23, 24, 25 - 

On day 7, our morning begins early on Mount Mitake - we will engage in a full session of Taoist Inner Alchemy and Qigong.  After breakfast, members will pack up and prepare to depart and head down the mountain to catch the local train.  Our next destination will be - Mount Minobu - located in Yamanashi Prefecture.  Mount Minobu is one of Japan's most important Buddhist Mountains - having been established in 1274.   We will stay in a very special Temple Lodging area - with a direct view of Mount Fuji.  After dinner we will take part in an evening meditation.  The following days on Mount Minobu will be focused on our daily practice of Inner Alchemy Meditation in our own private shrine room.  We will also take part in morning blessing ceremonies in the main temple area.   Mount Minobu is a highly charged spiritual area, surrounded by truly immaculate and vast nature.


Minobu Mountain - Buddhist Wonderland

Shukubo - temple lodging

During our time on Mount Minobu, we will stay in a traditional Shukubo - temple lodging.  In ancient times, Shukubo lodging was only for visiting monks and priests - but in modern times lay persons are allowed to stay in these traditional lodgings and experience the unique cultural traditions of old Japan.  We will enjoy the peace and nature of this unique location, and enjoy the beauty of engaging in our Inner Alchemy Practice in a traditional shrine room.  Minobu Mountain is a huge area, with hiking trails, large tree filled paths, and many shrines and temples to visit.

Shojin Ryori - taste of Zen

On Mount Minobu, we will experience the unique Japanese Buddhist Cuisine called Shojin Ryori -  this is the style and a core training practice of Buddhist monks in Japan, and grew in popularity with the spread of Zen Buddhism in the 13th century.  This cuisine is made without any meat, fish or other animal products, The core philosophy of Shojin Ryori is - soshoku -  the belief and practice of eating only what is necessary to survive - simple foods are seen as a means of reaching closer to the goals of Buddhism and learning the precious value of life. 

Traditional Beauty

Our Shukubo Temple lodging on Mount Minobu will be a wonderful journey into the unique beauty of Japanese aesthetics.  We will get to enjoy tatami mat rooms,, rice paper doorways called 'Shoji', beautiful hanging calligraphy, and out door rock gardens.  Japanese aesthetics are largely influenced by Shinto and Buddhist ideals such as: experiencing the wholeness of nature by incorporating the natural landscape into the home design, and allowing for simplicity and empty space to be a focal point for the interior rooms.  Our lodging on Mount Minobu will be like going back in time to more simple days.






- September 25, 26, 27 - 

Day 10 will begin with our early morning Inner Alchemy  Meditation on Mount Minobu.  Members will then pack up and prepare to desend the mountain and begin our journey by local train back to Kamakura.  Along the way, we will take a break and visit a Japanese Sento Spa to take a break from the train ride, refresh and relax.  After a refreshing Sento Spa expereince, we will make our way to Kamakura.  The remaining days of our journey will be spent with morning Qigong in our Hotel Studio and Tai Chi Sessions on the beach in Kamakura.  We will also visit local temples,  walk around the town, and members may also visit the many unique shops to buy special gifts for their family and friends.  We will enjoy wonderful dinners in town together, and share our experiences through lively conversation.  On the morning of Day 12 we will have our final practice session together, and celebrate with a wonderful group breakfast with a beautiful ocean view.   Members may then depart back to their home country, or continue their journey and adventure in Japan on their own...







Taoist Inner Alchemy Retreat

Teaching Contents

During our time training together in Japan, we will learn traditional forms and practice methods, but also gain insight into the  following aspects of Taoist Qigong, Neigong and Inner Alchemy Meditation:

1. Inner Alchemy - Neidan Training - Our main focus in this Retreat Training will be to transmit the Way of Inner Alchemy Practice. We will train in organized Preperation Methods such as the Taoist Seated TaoYin Methods, Yi Jin Jing - Tendon Transformation Postures, Awakening the Dantian Center, Transformation of Jing Essence, Awakening the 8 Primordial Meridians, Opening the 5 Energetic Gates, and developing the Automatic Circulation of Microcosmic Orbit (Circulation of External Medicine). This approach to Inner Alchemy Practice will lead the student to align with the Seasonal Cycles of Nature with the Automatic Revolution of the Microcosmic Orbit and the natural gathering of the External Yang Energy - termed 'External Medicine' in the Language of Inner Alchemy. These Inner States will lead to a profound harmony with the inner meridian system, developing inner energy, deep rejuvenation of the physical body and the beginning experience of Union with Nature.

2. Awakening the Dantian Center - Working with and developing the Dantian is perhaps the most important first step.  We will guide members in systematic methods to Open, Develop, and Solidify the Dantian Center - bringing one to return to a more youthful state of Vital Health, Inner Peace, and also enhance Physical Transformation.

2. Taoist Breath Training - we will teach a progressive Breath Work Method to regain the Original Breathing Pattern experienced in Childhood.  These breathing methods will naturally transform the negative emotion, calm the mind and return one to a still, centered and Pure Heart State - naturally leading to building and enhancing the Inner Energy.  This is a Foundation Method to create the conditions which will then allow one to practice at a deeper level and progress to the Dantian Center Breath Work which leads one to Develop Inner Energy - regaining a more Youthful, Healthy and Vibrant State due to a regaining and refilling of the previous lost Jing Essence.

4. Taoist Neigong Training - we will learn some physical Neigong Methods to help transform the entire body through the use of Movement and Static Postures for Transforming the Tendon & Fascia Networks, Lengthening the Meridian Channels, and Unifying the Body and Breath.  This will lead one to develop a unified internal strength and also a greater mind body connection.

5. Taoist Moving Qigong  - at times in our retreat, we will learn Taoist Qigong Movements for bringing balance to the Body, harmonizing the Energy Channels,  enhancing circulation, calming the mind, and bringing a deep relaxation to the nervous system.  When engaged in the practice of Stillness Meditation, it is important to balance the stillness  with movement based Qigong.

***NOTE: the teaching contents, lectures and daily lessons will be subject to changes or additions depending on the students level, previous experience and the level of development they move through during the course of the Retreat Training.  Our Inner Alchemy Retreat Training is a Dynamic, Living Experience of Internal Development.

Taoist Inner Alchemy Retreat 2024

Details and Conditions

Inner Alchemy Retreat 2024 



  • All on ground Costs in Japan are included.   Once members arrive in Kamakura Station all hotel lodging, all local transportation (train / bus / taxi ),  all temple admission tickets, and a Japanese Spa - Sento experience are all included.  (Kamakura hotel and temple lodging is double occupancy)
  • All daily Qigong lessons, and guided Inner Alchemy Retreat Training is included.  Members will be immersed in profound daily Qigong training, Taoist Theory discussions, and guided practice sessions of Inner Alchemy each day during their trip.
  • All guided temple tours, and visits to sacred sites are included - During our journey in Japan we will visit many special temples and spiritually charged sacred sites - all admission tickets are included.
  • All meals of breakfast and dinner are included in Kamakura / All meals of breakfast, lunch and dinner are included on the mountain retreat.   We will experience  wonderful and delicious meals of Japanese cuisine in this journey.  All breakfast and dinners will be included once members arrive in Kamakura - we will have a big welcome dinner together on the 16th.  Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner is all included during the Mountain Retreats, -- group lunch is not included during our stay in Kamakura.
  • NOTE: International Airfare, and travel insurance are not included.  Members will be responsible for their International flights to Japan, and any related Visa processing fee. Members will be responsible for their transportation by train to and from the International Airport to Kamakura Station .  We highly advise members to obtain travel insurance for this journey.
  • Read more details on the terms and conditions for this retreat and our cancelation policy by visiting this link - 

What you can look forward to on this amazing journey to Japan..


  • Visit powerful Sacred Sites, beautiful nature areas, shrines, majestic temples, and unique places off the beaten path in Japan - being in such spiritually charged areas truly bring such a profound and great transformation that is hard to put into words.
  • Learn a Complete System of Taoist Qigong and Inner Alchemy Practice - bringing amazing progress and development to your personal Qigong Practice.
  • Eat wonderful and delicious Japanese foods - we will eat what is called 'Wa Shoku' 'Traditional Foods' - very healthy and well balanced meals.
  • Refresh and Rejuvenate Yourself - being in the deep nature and diving deep into Taoist Practice will help one to unplug from their regular life back home - this will lead to rejuvenating and empowering your energy reserves - bringing you to a more more youthful state - overflowing with a healthy, and happy heart.
  • Make Lifelong Friends - in going on such a journey together as a group, and training in Taoist Practice daily a strong connection and a deep bond is created among members that often can last a lifetime.

☯︎ ☯︎ ☯︎

Japan Inner Alchemy Retreat - 2024
How to Register 

Registration is simple - just pick a payment option below and you will be registered.  We have three payment options, so you may pay one time, or split the cost up.  Please contact us by email if you have any questions about our Taoist Inner Alchemy Retreat being offered this September 2024 in Japan - truly an amazing, life changing experience.

This retreat will be limited to only 9 members -  due to the local conditions - so please contact us if you have any questions.

Please feel free to contact us by email  with any questions -   [email protected] 


In harmony with Tao, the sky is clear and spacious. the earth is solid and full, all creatures flourish together in harmony.

Return is the movement of the Tao.

Yielding is the way of the Tao.

One who is in harmony with Tao is like a newborn child...  soft and flexible; full of vital power.

complete in its harmony.

~ Lao Tzu


50% Complete

I'm Ready to begin my journey to Greater Health!