Hsing Yi - Neigong Training

Sep 18, 2021


- Neigong - Inner Strength Program -

 - June 23, 2024 -


We will offer a class series detailing the practice of Neigong Training as found in the Taoist Internal Martial Arts of:  Hsing Yi Chuan, Pa Kua Zhang and Tai Chi Chuan.  These Neigong Lessons will be a part of our core training curriculum in the Immortal Arts Academy.  We will focus on training for health, longevity, strength development, flexibility, and mental focus.  We will at times also demonstrate the self defence and martial aspects of the systems when needed for learning and understanding of the practice methods.

Neigong, as a term, in the beginning refers to methods of Taoist Breath Training, and Training which transforms the Bone and Tendon Networks of the practitioner.  In the first stages of Neigong Training, the exercises are often very simple, repetitive movements, with a focus to Unify the Movement and the Breath together, in a state of...

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Tai Chi - the Grand Ultimate

Jun 30, 2021
The Tai Chi comes from the Unbounded Infinity, the Primordial Union, the Wuji,
thus it is the source and mother of Yin and Yang.
If it moves, it separates;
if it is static, it combines....
All movements should be directed by conscious intention, and not by external force.
When moving up or down, front or back, left or right, the same intention is unbroken and united as One.
First the mind then the body —- when the abdomen is completely relaxed, the Qi Energy can rise in the body spontaneously; then the Qi Energy can penetrate into the bones.
When your spirit and body are at ease you can always move as your intention directs....
The mind should direct the Qi Energy to move. The Qi should be completely composed. Then the Qi Energy will penetrate to the bones.
The Qi Energy circulating freely, mobilises the body. If Qi Energy is correctly cultivated, one’s Vital Spirit will be raised...
- The Tai Chi...
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Emptiness - travel across the times....

May 31, 2018


I was originally like a Seed from pure emptiness…

delicate and free , traveling across the times…

Tired of being entangled by fame and fortune…

I shall rest myself for a while in dirt and dust... 

~ Li Qing Temple




Emptiness is a theme of Taoist thought and also practice - it is often said that Emptiness is what gives things their value and usefulness - the value of a cup, lies in it's empty space - but perhaps in our modern world, we focus more on materiality, form, and the gaining of objects with obvious form..  

Yet Emptiness is also a thing, or a state, is it not...?

When Emptiness is contrasted with form, the opposite of Form is the Formless or the Empty State.

what is Emptiness exactly...?

It is nothing....!

What is No Thing...?

In Taoist thought we often refer to the 'Mind' as the "Heart, or sometimes we refer to the Heart/Mind...  

The Heart is something that may accommodate both...

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50% Complete - Almost there....

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