Consider That Which is Insignificant

May 29, 2021


That which is still and at rest is easily kept quiet...

That which has not yet appeared is easily prevented.
What is still feeble and weak is easily broken.
What is still deficient is easily dispersed.
Treat things before they exist.
Regulate things before disorder begins.
The strong tree originated from a tiny root.
A tower of nine stories is built up brick by brick.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single footstep.
If one tries to improve a thing, one damages it;
if one grasps it, they lose it.
The wise one, therefore, not attempting to form things does not damage them, and not grasping after things, they do not lose them.
The people in their rush for completing a task are ever approaching success,
but continually failing.
One must be as careful in the end as in the beginning if they are to succeed.
Therefore the wise one desires to be free from desire,
they do not value the things that are difficult to attain.
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5 Energy Gates Qigong & Meridian Stretching

Apr 06, 2020

Empty yourself of Everything.....

Let the Mind rest at Peace.
Returning to the source is Stillness,
Which is the way of Nature.
~Lao Tzu

Internal Harmony = Smooth Energy Flow -
Gaining a flow of Smooth Energy, we may experience vital health and happiness:

The main focus in the practice of Taoist Qigong is the development and balance of ‘Qi’ Energy. Qi Energy can be viewed as ‘Universal Life Force’, and is the underlying essence of all life, development and creation.

When our Qi Energy is in balance, we experience more health, vitality, enhanced focus, greater memory, happiness and internal harmony.  When our Qi Energy is out of balance, we may experience fatigue, chronic pain, lowered immune response, irritability, and so on..... 

Leanring to work with your Qi Energy and bring your body's systems into balance is perhaps one of the greatest gifts you could give yourself in life.

DANTIAN ~ Ocean of Vital Energy

The Dantian Center can be thought of as the...

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Reaching the Source

Jun 11, 2018


Too many steps have been taken returning,
to the Root and the Source.
Better to have been blind and deaf from the beginning..!
Dwelling in One's True Abode,
unconcerned with that without --
The river flows tranquilly on and the flowers are red...


From the beginning, truth is clear. Poised in silence, I observe the forms of integration and disintegration. One who is not attached to 'form' need not be 'reformed'. The water is emerald, the mountain is indigo, and I see that which is creating and that which is destroying...

- Kaku-an

* Kaku-an was a 12th Century Zen Master from China. Kaku-an is the Japanese pronunciation of the Chinese Zen Master's name which is - Kuòān Shīyuǎn (廓庵師遠). He produced a famous series and commentary on the 10 Ox herding pictures - which describe the stages one progresses through on the Path to Enlightenment, Transformation of the Heart, and Awakening to One's True Nature.


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