Gate of Awakening

Jun 25, 2018


Nurturing Energy, forget words and guard it,

Conquer the mind, do non-doing.

The Human body is only Vitality, Energy & Spirit.

Vitality, Energy & Spirit ~ the 'Three Treasures'.

These Three Treasures are what makes up a human being,

and are at the very root of our health, vitality and spiritual expression.

~ Ancestor Lu DongBin

 HEALTH - Harmony of Energy

The main focus in the practice of Taoist Yoga is the development and balance of ‘Qi’ Energy.

Qi Energy can be viewed as the ‘Universal Life Force’, and is the underlying essence of all life, development and creation.

When our Qi Energy is in balance, we experience health, vitality, happiness and internal harmony.

When our Qi Energy is in a state of unbalance, we can experience sickness, emotional unbalance, chronic pain and fatigue.

The first aim of the practice of Taoist Yoga is to gain a smooth flow of Qi Energy, and an internal balance of Qi Energy, which gives one the experience...

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