Summer Solstice

Jun 21, 2018

Summer Solstice is a time of the Growing Yang Principle....

The Way of Taoist Practice that we teach in the Immortal Arts System contains three general levels we progress through in the learning, which can be simply thought of as first dealing with the body, second learning about the cycles of nature, and lastly how to gain a Union of Self and Nature.

* First we will learn about the inner rhythms, development and cycles of Energy in our own body - through the act of self practice in the Immortal Arts Qigong System.
* Second we will study and learn about the rhythms, patterns and cycles of Energy we may find within nature - this includes the cycle of the four seasons, and the movement of the sun and moon - this is all organised in the Taoist Energetic Calendar, which includes the dates, and times of practice we follow throughout the year, in order to follow these cycles.  The 24 Solar Nodes Calendar is one important tool we use in this learning.
* Lastly, we learn the method and...

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