Únete a nosotros para un viaje que cambia la Vida...

Lo que está firmemente establecido no puede ser desarraigado ... Lo que está firmemente agarrado no puede escaparse ... Será honrado de generación en generación. Cultiva la virtud en ti mismo, y la virtud será real ... - Tao Te Ching

Formación del profesorado 2020 -

¡Únase a nosotros para una capacitación y exploración en línea muy especial: Aprendizaje de Qigong Taoísta, Meditación de Alquimia Interior y el Sistema de Artes TaoYoga ...!

Koh Tao Island - Paradise


Koh Tao Island will be the site of our Teacher Training and Golden Elixir Retreat.  Drifting serenely in the Gulf of Thailand, the palm-fringed island of Ko Tao takes its name from the abundant sea turtles that reside on its shores. White sand beaches sheltered by steep hills – some only accessible with four-wheel drive vehicles – and 300 days of sun per year invite long afternoons of lounging in nature.  A perfect retreat to experience the transformational training of the TaoYoga Arts System. 

“Where we stayed in Koh Tao was beautiful and the ideal setting to train and be with nature....”

My experience on the Earth & Sky Reconnection Tour 2019 training with Jesse and my Tao Family was nothing short of rejuvenating and beneficial.
Jesse is a great and knowledgeable teacher.  Where we stayed in Koh Tao was beautiful and the ideal setting to train and be with nature. I rose everyday with the sun and to the sound of the waves, trained and rested throughout the day, ate great vegetarian food and had the company of a group of people who all were there to do the same thing.
We learned a lot together and Jesse was always down to talk, train more and be accessible to anything we needed...
Highly Recommend this Training...

Tagan, NYC

TaoYoga Arts System


The Way of Energy Development from the Taoist Tradition...  The TaoYoga Arts System is a modern and comprehensive approach to Taoist Practice.  Taoist Practice in Ancient Times was often referred to as 'Dan Dao'  - 丹道 -  which means the Way of Developing the Inner Elixir - the Purified Inner Energy - which arises and is developed in the Tan Tian Center.  The Way of Dan Dao was once a unified, and holistic Taoist System of practice and is the root of the various separate methods we find in modern times  such as Qigong, Nei Gong, and Tao Yin.  In modern times, the Ancient Art of Dan Dao is often termed Taoist Yoga.  In this exciting Retreat and Teacher Training on Koh Tao Island, we will guide our members through a unique process of Inner Alchemy, guiding one to Awaken Healing Energy and learn a complete and traditional system of Taoist Yoga. Members will be guided through various unique Taoist Sets of Qigong, Nei Gong, Nei Dan, and Tao Yin drawn from the TaoYoga Arts System.  We also will  learn the first 5 Stages of Taoist Longevity Breath Training, and detailed lectures on Taoist Cosmology, and the process of Energy Development.  Our Program is comprehensive, and we welcome the complete beginner, and also the experienced practitioner of Yoga, Qigong and the Healing Arts.

Experience a New Life...


We strive to bring our members of the Earth & Sky Reconnection Tour 2020 through a wonderful experience, on all levels from the location, exotic and healthy foods, and high level Teacher Training in Taoist Yoga in the majestic nature of Koh Tao Island....  This journey will truly be life changing, and inspirational on all levels.  On completion of this Training Course, members may journey back to their homes and communities, bringing a wealth of knowledge, technique and experience in the TaoYoga Arts System - changing lives, healing hearts, and enlightening minds...  Truly Awesome...  

Your Guide on this Journey...


During our time on Koh Tao Island, you will be taught and guided by Jesse Lee Parker.  Jesse brings a wealth of experience to his lessons, having practiced the Taoist Arts since he was a teenager, giving him well over 30 years of experience.  Jesse currently is the director of the TaoYoga Arts Association of Japan, and has literally taught many hundreds of students.  Jesse also has led extensive tours and retreats in the sacred mountains, and hidden Taoist Sites of China for many years, giving him extensive experience in leading groups and organising all of the logistics of travel, on ground transportation and lodging.  Traveling to a foreign country with a group can be a wonderful, but also challenging experience - Jesse strives to always go the extra mile to ensure exceptional experiences, safety, comfort, and guide his groups into the sacred and mysterious realms in the countries he leads his retreats in.  We are so excited to be bringing everyone to the Magical Island of Koh Tao in January  2020..!

A Journey of Transformation in Paradise...

Come experience the Magic Of TaoYoga Arts in one of the most beautiful and exotic locations in the World...

“The energy from the daily practice sessions brought such a big transformation in my life...”


The Earth & Sky Reconnection Tour 2019  - was truly a wonderful time we spent on Koh Tao Island,

It was a great pleasure to have met all of our Tao Family from all over the world and to have shared such a special time together.

The energy from the daily practice sessions with Jesse, made such a wonderful connection to my Heart and it brought such a big transformation in my life.

Everyday was full of learning, with deep gifts of awakening. 

I wish this wonderful wisdom from the TaoYoga Arts System can spread to many people, so we all may Walk in harmony with the Natural Way of Tao.

I am full of gratitude for the great love and peace that developed from the days spent on Koh Tao Island -

I truly feel blessed.

Thank you.
Ayumi , Japan


In this very special Retreat and Teacher's Training on Koh Tao Island, you will gain access to rarely seen methods and techniques from the Taoist Inner Alchemy Tradition - we will guide you to Awaken your Inner Energy and you will experience the following training :

* Dantian Center Activation *

* 5 Element Meridian Stretching *

* Dragon & Tiger Qigong *

* Taoist Inner Alchemy Meditation *

* Taoist Longevity Breath Training *

* Golden Lotus Form Training *

* Clear Light Meditation Practice *

* Opening of the Energy Gates *

* Taoist Mudra and Hand Seal Training *






Taoist Symbology and Cosmology explained....

In our time together during our Inner Alchemy Retreat on Koh Tao Island this January 2020,  we will learn aspects of Taoist Theory, Philosophy, Cosmology and the Esoteric meaning of Ancient Taoist Symbols - and their relationship to the Practice of Taoist Yoga, Inner Alchemy and the Art of the Inner Elixir.  The use of Taoist Symbols and understanding the hidden meaning contained within the diagrams is a very important part of learning the Way of Inner Alchemy - the Art of the Inner Elixir.  This is drawn from the Taoist 'Oral Tradition' - and is usually reserved for Inner Door students and Initiates.  Knowledge of the Inner Meaning of Taoist Symbols will help the student to unlock the "code" contained within these esoteric patterns, symbols and diagrams - leading one to gain understanding of the direct relationship and theoretical application to our Practice Methods.

“What is an Alchemist...”


Alchemists are people who transform common substances into something more valuable, such as converting lead which is a common metal, into gold - which is valuable and precious.  This Art of Transformation is termed Alchemy, and has traditions we may find in both Ancient Europe and China 

In the Taoist Tradition, we find references to the Path of 'External Alchemy'  which was concerned with the transmutation of metals, and the combination of rare herbs and materials into a physical 'Elixir Pill' of Long Life.  We also find the Taoist Tradition of 'Inner Alchemy', which focuses on the cultivation, transformation, and transmutation of our Inner Energy.

Taoist Inner Alchemy is concerned with transforming the substance of the Inner Energy of the human being, into a refined, pure and precious Quality of Energy - something which is True, Spiritual and Bright. This transformed energy, gathered to the Dantian is often termed the 'Elixir'.   This transformation of the Inner Energy and Development of the Elixir, will give one health, healing, a long life, develop Inner Wisdom, Clarity, and bring one closer to Nature and the Great Tao.  During our training on Koh Tao Island, we will learn the Foundation methods of Taoist Inner Alchemy Practice.


“I would highly recommend Jesse as a teacher...”

What I like about Jesse is his authenticity and ability to show compassion and love to the people around him. 
Those kinds of qualities are extremely rare to find and I value how they were brought into each training session and our daily lessons on the Earth & Sky Reconnection Tour 2019. 

Jesse has an in depth understanding about not only the how but also the why when it comes to the Taoist Arts and Training. This makes for fun and interesting theory lessons, which give clarity and understanding to the Taoist Practices themselves. 

I would highly recommend Jesse as a teacher, and I look forward to working with him more in the future.                         
- Kevin, Australia

“the TaoYoga Arts System has given me the foundation of Inner Peace for the first time in my life. ...”

I have struggled with anxiety and panic attacks since childhood, and the TaoYoga Arts System has given me the foundation of Inner Peace for the first time in my life. 

I thought I had a pretty clear picture about what to expect from the trip to Thailand, and the TaoYoga Retreat, but I must say this trip gave me more then I ever could have hoped for or imagined.

Our resort was on the side of a mountain facing the dazzling beauty of the ocean - we practiced in an open air Yoga Shala, feeling the ocean, with the wind flowing through our hair.

Our Teacher Jesse carefully guided us, to face some of our inner sadness, stress or fear, which many of us carry around in our daily life - yet we were guided to let it all transform naturally and blossom into the flower of peace.

I have tried many things in my life, but I can say with an honest heart, that this truly is an Authentic Healing Art. 
The things I learned about myself together with the other members,  is beyond what I could have ever expected. 

It was not something magical or unreal..
It was something true and raw - a connection to my very being.  I can only describe it with one word - Happiness.

To be clear, the Retreat did not cure my troubles - but I was shown the way to the Medicine, and was given the tools i will need to get there.

I am more at peace now, I am happier and feel more complete In my practise and daily life, and I am so thankful for the gift of Taoist Practice, and for the friends and Tao Family I have met on this journey.
- Nisha, Sweden 




Members of the Earth & Sky Reconnection Tour will have instant access to our Good Morning Tao Online Training - as soon as you register - allowing you to begin your learning in Taoist Yoga right now.  You will Awakening Your Inner Energy and prepare for the upcoming Retreat and Teacher Training on Koh Tao Island...

Our Online Program contains access to:  
  • 5 Unique Taoist Yoga Video Lessons - guiding you to develop Inner Energy and Gain Greater Health by following the Path of the 5 Gates of Change.  Including a bonus training video on opening the 5 Energy Gates.
  • 8 Video Lectures on the subjects of Taoist Yoga, Energy Development, Self Healing, Taoist Philosophy, and the Way of the 5 Gates of Change.
  • Detailed PDF workbook, containing a 90 page outline of the Practice of Taoist Yoga, Diagrams of Meridians and the Energy Body, including Taoist Theory and Philosophy.  
  • All of this is available on our beautiful, easy to use, cutting edge Online Learning Center. 
  • This Online Program is valued at $525 - and we are including it as a part of your registration in the Earth & Sky Reconnection Tour absolutely free - we wish to contribute  as much as we can to your growth and development in the Art of Taoist Yoga - and this program is a wonderful first step...!





Earth & Sky Reconnection Tour January 29 - February 9, 2020

 January 29 - journey begins


We will gather our group together on the Island of Koh Samui.  There will be airport pickup and transfer to Anahata Resort.  Today will be a day of our group gathering, and this evening, we will have a very special welcome dinner and celebration. We will enjoy the wonderful juices, and amazing vegan cuisine of Anahata Resort.  We will have a group orientation, and hand out our daily schedule pack, course workbooks and -- we will give out our Earth & Sky Reconnection Gift Bags.  We will then go and enjoy a refreshing foot massage together as a group to revitalise and reset after our long journey and travel - early to bed, so we may rest up for our morning journey to Koh Tao Island...



 January 30 - Koh Tao Island


We will gather in the morning before breakfast for a flowing session of TaoYoga, Qigong and TaiChi - Jesse will guide you in an amazing sequence of Taoist Breath Work, Energy Activation, 8 Immortals form, and Taoist TaiChi & Qigong - then we will enjoy an amazing breakfast buffet and enjoy the wonderful fruits and healthy foods from Thailand.   Relax, enjoy the beach, go for a swim - then we check out and will transfer by boat shuttle to Koh Tao Island - where we will spend the next 10 days and nights diving deep into the Art of Taoist Inner Alchemy, Taoist Yoga and a Journey through the 5 Gates of Change.  After we check in to our rooms and lodging, we will have some free time before dinner to explore our beautiful surroundings.  After dinner we will have our first Taoist Inner Alchemy Meditation from 7:00pm - 9:00pm.  We will also give instruction in Taoist Sleeping Meditation practice, to continue the process of energy development. Early to bed, as the next morning we begin our practice with the sunrise....



Site of our Inner Alchemy Retreat and TaoYoga Arts - Teacher Training Course..


Our Inner Alchemy Retreat and Teacher Training will be held on the beautiful grounds of Baan Talay, on Koh Tao Islands - we will be in an area of beautiful nature, and majestic beach front access - and wonderful hillside for hiking.  Truly a nature paradise, perfect for our Transformational Retreat.


The lodging near to the sea will be the amazing Lotus Yurts, nestled in the amazing nature, close to the sea - you will be surrounded by a wonderful sense of sky, ocean and hillside - bringing you closer to yourself and nature on our amazing journey together into the mystery of the Way of Taoist Practice.


The lodging nestled in the hillside will be the Bungalow Cabins, in the shade and quietude of the trees and nature of the hillside - the Bungalow and Lotus Yurts will give our members the chance to reside and be close to the nature of the hillside and sea during our retreat training.  Harmony with Nature an important aspect of Taoist Practice. 

Our beautiful open air Dojo - site of our daily Training...






 January 31 ~ Feburary 8  - TaoYoga Arts Retreat & Teacher Training


We will gather in the early morning before breakfast to begin our training in Inner Alchemy Meditation & the TaoYoga Arts System  - Jesse will guide us through a series of traditional training methods to Awaken the Energy Centers, Open the Meridian System, and Cultivate Healing Energy.  This training will be like nothing you have seen or encountered before - eclectic, ancient, and holistic - addressing all aspects of body, heart, and spirit.   In the early afternoon, we will have a lecture on Taoist Cosmology, Philosophy, Theory of Taoist Yoga and we will use our course workbooks for learning and note taking - after our lectures, we will continue our training in TaoYoga Arts, focusing on the Foundation Training of the 5 Gates of Change.   Afternoon is free time to explore the island, go hiking, engage in self practice, swim in the ocean, or take a rest.  Early dinner, then lecture and evening training in Inner Alchemy Meditation - after each evening session, we will give guidance in the practice of the Taoist Sleeping Immortal Tradition - Energetic Sleeping Cultivation & Dream Yoga Practice - we will teach 3 of the Foundation Postures and Meditations from the Sleeping Immortal Tradition.    


We have compiled a truly amazing manual for this course training, that will also serve as a reflective journal for daily contemplation of Taoist Philosophy - the journal will continue after the tour, when you return home, so you may continue the work we began...

Energy Body

The study and exploration of the Energetic Body is a key theme and concept in the TaoYoga Arts System.  The teachings of the Energy Body has been an oral tradition in most of the different Wisdom Traditions, and as a result, often we find incomplete teachings in modern times.  We have created a unique teaching method, to give one a clear understanding on the Energetic System, and its relation to the Physical Practice and Technique.

Teacher Training Manuals

During our period of teaching in Japan for over 9 years, we have organised and complied a wide variety of our teachings in print form, and all of this has been put into our manuals with a lot of love.  Diagrams of the Energetic Body, Taoist Yoga Theory and Principle, and the Principles of Taoist Cosmology. We have taken the Oral Tradition of the Taoist Path, and organised the teachings in a modern way, to shed light, wisdom and understanding.  

Tao Life Journal

A key part of our Training Manual is the activity of daily journal writing and contemplation.  We have compiled key sections from Taoist Philosophy to stimulate contemplation and self reflection - which will help to inspire your reflective journal writing.   Journal writing is very important as we develop the ability of 'Self Observation', and 'Self Reflection' - which are very important skills as we begin to gain deeper awareness of our Inner Self. 

 February 9 - Graduation


We will gather in the early morning before breakfast to begin our training in Inner Alchemy Meditation & the TaoYoga Arts System  - Jesse will give a special teaching and transmission on this morning, our last training session together.  We will have a final question and answer session with students, and then will have a special breakfast celebration, with wonderful fruits, teas and celebrate this journey we experienced together as a group.  We will present the Graduating Students with their Certificates at this time, and also present parting gifts of stone amulets we made by hand for the students to take home to remember this special time together.  There will be a early and late afternoon boat shuttle back to Koh Samui, so members may make their way to the airport and return to their home country, to begin the new journey of Walking the Path as a TaoYoga Arts Instructor - sharing the Light of Tao with their friends, family and community....   








“The experience with Jesse and the TaoYogaArts Community that met on Koh Tao, was simply amazing....”

The experience was just down-to-earth real.  Since then I've learned the value of simplicity, sincerity and naturalness as inner qualities. 

Jesse's knowledge and experience both from his time in China and from his personal healing journey are incredibly profound.  The teachings resonated deeply with me and surprised me in how elaborate and beautiful they were. The more I learned the more I wanted to learn, but rather than just consuming information, Jesse's approach to teaching is slow and gentle, allowing the learner to internalise rather than conceptualise. 

For me the training with Jesse was the missing link in my personal practice - Taoist Yoga provided the central elements, provided the center. The teachings are authentic, coming from a long lineage tradition, and powerful, without being forceful or unnatural to the practitioner. The instructions and techniques seem simple but they gain depth the more one practices. 

All in all I feel like I only scratched the surface of what the TaoYoga Arts System has to offer, but even that has made an enormous difference to my practice, adding clarity and centeredness. Hopefully more to come soon...

- Lancia, Bali 

Here is how to Register...

1. You may pay your non-refundable registration deposit below of $250usd. This will reserve your place, and the remaining full payment of $2,1000usd must be made by November 25th, 2019.*

2. You may pay in full now, a one time payment in full of $2,350usd,.  This is a great savings, and we highly recommend taking advantage of this savings.  We have had a large number of inquiry and advanced registration -- this amazing retreat will be fully booked very soon, as of right now, there are only 9 places left...  Hope to see you there...!*

*By paying your Registration Deposit or Full Tour Payment, you agree with our terms and conditions listed below.*

Terms and Conditions Policy

All members please read our terms and conditions policy by clicking the link below. We maintain a no refund policy for any reason. In the case of your cancelation, a portion of your payment may be used as credit for another retreat to be taken within two years of your original retreat date. We will gladly also transfer your credit to another guest. Please read the full policy details below.





50% Complete

Two Step

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