Awaken Healing Energy with Taoist Yoga...




Please check below to learn about the Good Morning Tao Program and how to register...

Be sure to turn your volume up to watch the above video...

Jesse Lee Parker - Your Instructor

Hello my friends my name is Jesse Lee Parker and I am so happy you have found your way to my website - I have been a lifelong student of the Taoist Healing Arts - my study began in my teenage years in Austin, Texas. It really is amazing to me, looking back how my passion for the Taoist Arts led me halfway around the world to the Sacred Mountains of Mainland China. This amazing journey has spanned more than 30 years, and during that time I have witnessed truly amazing magic and mystery  - learning the Secrets of Inner Energy and the Way of Self Healing.  I have spent the past 9 years teaching Taoist Yoga in Japan, and have developed a large community here and my students have set up their own branches, teaching my system of practice - the TaoYoga Arts Method.  Now I wish to reach out Online across the Ocean and share these Taoist Teachings - giving awesome health and healing benefits to as many people as possible.  In the Good Morning Tao Program, I have created a very easy to follow video based learning program that will guide you to experience this process of Energy Awakening - giving you Greater Health, Inner Peace, and transforming your Body into a more youthful, flexible and healthy state.

Taoist Qigong helped me Heal from depression...  

I had found myself in a slump and depression, and my health was suffering - so I searched all over for an answer.  I read many books on healing, I tried many kinds of healing methods such as:  Reiki, Massage Therapy and Energy Work.  Then as fate would have it, I met Jesse Lee Parker by complete chance and found the Art of Taoist Yoga & Qigong - In my heart, I knew this was it...!  After the first month of practice, my energy returned, my health improved greatly, I really felt happy again, my weight balanced, and best of all my natural beauty returned.  It has been over 9 years now, and I have become a Certified Instructor and share this wonderful healing art with others - giving this gift of amazing healing magic to as many people as possible..!

Yuko - Japan


We have designed a truly amazing in-depth course that will give you a complete, amazing,  Life Transforming Practice...       

Our Online Program contains:  

  • 5 Unique Taoist Yoga Video Lessons - guiding you to develop Inner Energy and Gain Greater Health by following the Path of the 5 Gates of Change.  
  • 8 Video Lectures on the subjects of Taoist Yoga, Energy Development, Self Healing, Taoist Philosophy, and the Way of the 5 Gates of Change.     
  • BONUS - in depth video lecture, where I explain how I learned this special practice, and the complete form training on the method of Opening the 5 Energy Gates - plus 5 Element Meridian stretching - truly a beautiful sequence 
  • Detailed PDF workbook, containing a 90 page outline of the Practice of Taoist Yoga, Diagrams of Meridians and the Energy Body, including Taoist Theory and Philosophy.    
  • All of this is available on our beautiful, easy to use, cutting edge Online Learning Center.  
  • Life Time Membership Available now..                **FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY***                   
  • join now and gain access to the entire program for only $75. - Unlimited Lifetime Access - That is an awesome savings of $100...  JOIN NOW...! 


In my Life, I became attracted to the idea of Self Evolution from a Young age - seeking the highest levels of Self Development - and the Taoist Tradition was a perfect fit for me.  The Way of Tao contains a wide array of methods that transforms all aspects of the body, mind and spirit - to me it was a complete method.  I went on a quest and sought out Masters of Tao and the Authentic Methods of Inner Energy development - yet in the 1980's there was no internet, and I had to follow my intuition and find the rare teacher by chance encounter and pure luck.  This journey took me from California, Hawaii and Japan, to remote mountain ranges and temples in China.  I was blessed to meet real modern day Masters of Tao, who had embodied and preserved the Ancient Methods in these modern times.  

I underwent traditional training in the deep mountains and Followed the Ancient Ways - Awakening Inner Energy and undergoing deep Self Transformation.   It has been a long journey, but well worth the hardships and challenges I had to face.  To me, gaining a real method of Taoist Practice is perhaps the greatest treasure in the world - helping me to  develop Healing Energy, gain Vibrant Health, and Youthful Vitality.  These results are gained through following a Formula of Self Transformation that was discovered and tested by countless generations of Taoists over thousands of years.   In the Good Morning Tao Program, I will guide you through this Formula of Self Transformation with a Practice that people of all ages and walks of life can follow -  my intention in creating this program is from my heartfelt desire to share these wonderful methods of Taoist Yoga with as many people as possible - bringing greater  health, happiness and vitality to you, your family, friends and the world...

I believe that as more people discover the Way of Inner Energy, and gain Health and Happiness - the World will become a more peaceful and harmonious place...

Life Challenge and Near Death Experience - the Hero's Journey

Would you like to discover a wonderful Healing Secret..?

Good Morning Tao

45 days to Greater Health, Happiness & Vitality...

  • We will guide you to Awaken Inner Energy in 5 easy to follow lessons - which will transform your life, health and let you feel an amazing youthful energy within yourself.
  • Our Program follows the principle of the - 5 Gates of Change - Five unique stages of Self Transformation you will move through in this course - guiding you to Greater Health & Amazing Life Changes.
  • A wonderful benefit of Taoist Practice is longevity and reversing the ageing process - we will guide you to gain greater health and vitality in a simple, and easy to follow way through our unique and modern day approach to the Ancient Taoist Arts of Longevity.

Secrets of Longevity from the Ancient Masters...

  • Taoist Longevity Breathing - Breath is Life.  Taoist Breath Training will develop Inner Energy, reduce stress and bring you to a State of Inner Peace. In the Good Morning Tao Program we will guide you through the unique and rare - 5 Stages of Taoist Longevity Breath Training  -  Returning you to a youthful inner feeling of health, healing and an abundance of vital energy.  
  • The Way of Inner Energy - so much of modern life is full of competition, stress and strife - this often leads us to self judgement, inner tension, negative emotions and a lack of balance. In our Good Morning Tao Program, we will teach a very unique method of Developing Inner Energy, which will bring your body, mind and spirit to a profound state of balance - helping you to Revitalize, Refresh and Regain your Youthful, Vibrant State once again.

Taoist Yoga & Qigong Opened my Heart... 

In my Life, I am a professional singer, a dancer, a wife and a mother.  I always had a knowing in my Heart, that Nature was something Sacred and I wanted to find the way to express this.  I met Jesse by pure chance, at an Organic Supermarket in Tokyo - and I discovered Taoist Yoga...  I now have found my Life Path, and have been given wonderful techniques and methods to Awaken my Energy, Open my Heart and Combine with Nature.  This Practice is truly Life Changing in every way.  Jesse is a wonderful, down to earth, and knowledgable teacher.  With a smile and a laugh, he shares the depth of Tao.  I now am Certified as a Teacher, and share this wonderful practice of Taoist Yoga with my students on the Northern Japanese Island of Hokkaido.

Ayumi - Japan

The Golden Elixir -                     the Way of Immortality    

The Taoist Tradition has a history of over 9,000 years - and a wealth of secrets dealing with Health, Healing & Longevity.  Good Morning Tao Program will guide you in the Taoist Method of Inner Energy Development  - which was held secret since ancient times.  We will guide you in a simple, easy to follow, step by step process.  This will give you the gift of Greater Health, Healing & Vitality in your Life - learning how to Reverse the Ageing Process and Return to what the Taoists call 'Eternal Spring' a State of Youthful Vitality, Energy and Harmony. We wish to offer this unique training to as many people as possible - so we have decided to discount this program  for the amazing price of $75 - this is a savings of $100 - we hope you may join today and begin to experience a wonderful life transformation, greater health and the healing benefits of the Taoist Tradition...


Cleanse the Heart and Empty the Mind...

When one Stills the Mind all things shall be in harmony and balance...

By following the principle of Tao’s Natural Way,
all things can be done in a perfect manner.

                                     ~ Lao Tzu



Is Longevity and Taoist Life Enhancement real....?

The  photo to the left is of the Taoist Master Li Ching-Yuen at his students home, Army General Yang Sen – at the age of 250 years...  Master Li was a devout Taoist, Martial Artist and Herbalist who lived from 1677 to 1933 - reaching 256 years of age...!

Master Li gained a profound Longevity through his practice of the Taoist Arts of Life Enhancement – such as Taoist Yoga, Breath Training and Inner Alchemy Meditation.

Legend states that when old Master Li was 130 years old, he encountered an older Taoist Master who was living as a hermit - who was over 500 years old - deep in the mountains this Elder Hermit taught him special Breathing Exercises, a longevity diet of rare herbs, and a unique form of Taoist Yoga training.

In 1930, the New York Times newspaper printed an article in which they published official Chinese government documents that were uncovered. These documents, dating back to 1827, contained official congratulations on Li Ching-Yuen's 150th birthday. Later documents, dating back to 1877, contained official congratulations on his 200th birthday.

200 years old....! How did he do that?
When asked about his Longevity, Li Ching-Yuen replied --

"My long life is due to the fact that I performed the Taoist Breath Work and Life Enhancement Exercises every day – regularly, correctly, and with sincerity – for over 120 years...!"

Did you like Master Li's story...?  Pretty amazing right....?    

Well, I have learned these profound secrets of Taoist Life Enhancement from Taoist Masters in the deep Mountains of China - Just as Master Li did...  and I have organised this Ancient Practice of Longevity into an easy to follow Modern System – To Help YOU gain Vital Health, Harmony & Healing in your life without having to journey to the mountains of China and search for a Master...

Through following the Video lessons of the Good Morning Tao Program, you will move through the 5 Gates of Change - a Formula that leads you to transform yourself, gaining greater health, harmony and entering into a more positive and profound life through the Awakening of your Inner Energy...!

Taoist Yoga - Way of Health and Healing


Check below to learn more about our Good Morning Tao Program contents...

Be sure to turn your volume up to watch the above video...

Learn the Secret of Health & Inner Energy

The Taoists discovered that Health, Healing and Vitality all come down to one basic Foundation Principle - Inner Energy.  Inner Energy Development is a unique and special method from the Taoist School and when applied has such wonderful life benefits. In our Video Training, we will share with you the simple and effective way to get started - in a clear and easy to understand manner - giving you the wonderful experience of learning a systematic approach to Energy Cultivation and Life Transformation.

Taoist Yoga - Ancient Art of Longevity

Taoist Yoga is an ancient art of  mind-body harmony - Its practice spans over 5,000 years of continuous development and refinement in China, and include in-depth methods of health cultivation, self-healing and spiritual development.  Taoist Yoga cultivates and awakens the "Qi" or Universal Healing Energy within the practitioner; Qi Energy is developed first through simple breathing exercises.   The concept of Qi Energy can be thought of as the underlying essence of all life and the very fabric of the universe and all things.

Life Transformation & the Way of Self Healing

In todays world, we are often times overwhelmed with stress, obstacles and challenges.  These challenges often relate to three areas of our self - mental, physical and emotional.  Taoist Yoga is a wonderful Life Science which address all aspects of ourselves, and brings one back to a profound state of balance and inner harmony.  This state of Harmony the Taoist often termed, 'Returning to Childhood' -  come join our program and begin your journey back to the Child like State of Health, Happiness and Vitality.             

Tao Yoga with Jesse has changed & transformed my life....!

As I have been practicing Tao Yoga with Jesse I have became so healthy, HAPPY and feel so good. I feel refreshed, full of energy and connected to nature as I practice the Way of Tao Yoga - it has been many years of practice now and I will continue for the rest of my life....

I am so thankful for this practice - I hope that more and more people can experience TaoYoga Arts with Teacher Jesse..!

Maki - Japan

Opening the Energy Gates

In Taoist Yoga we are taught one aspect of the Energy Body which are termed the 'Energy Gates'. The Energy Gates are the places where meridians connect in the body, and move from one area to another - for example for energy to pass from the arm into the torso, the meridians must pass through the Energy Gate located in the Shoulder Joint. Energy Gates are usually located in the major joint spaces - or more specifically in the 'Empty Space' between the bones of a joint. The Energy Gates often become blocked, and this causes stagnant energy, stiffness, pain and limits the movment of Energy through the Meridian system.

The Good Morning Tao Program uses specialised movement and stretches to physically open these areas so that the Energy may run smoothly through the whole system. Opening the Energy Gates is a very special aspect of the Good Morning Tao Program.

When our Energy can run smoothly - with no blockage in the Energy Gates - we gain Vital Health, Healing, have MORE Energy, feel young & full of natural joy in life.  Join the Good Morning Tao Program to experience Taoist Yoga and Inner Energy Development with Jesse Lee Parker. 

The Golden Mean 

In the Art of Taoist Yoga, we follow a specialised method of practice that literally rejuvenates and brings one back to a harmony with nature and the Tao. How is this done..?  The Taoists uncovered the Unified Energetic Pattern of the Universe - and this Pattern was termed the Golden Mean. It is the Unified Energy Field, which is in a state of Supreme Balance.  When we are able to Return to this State of the Golden Mean - we may heal, rejuvenate and renew ourselves - literally Returning to a more Youthful and Vibrant condition.  This is done through a special approach to practice and the Way of Taoist Longevity Breath Training.  In Taoist Breath Work - we learn a special technique - Golden Mean Breathing - join the Good Morning Tao Program and begin to learn the basics of this profound method of Rejuvenation, Breath Work and Self Healing today...!


We are at a unique time in human history where the human race is waking up - we are realising our true potential as vast and infinite spiritual beings - undergoing a transformative process of becoming who we truly are - and for many Music is at the core of this process.  The Good Morning Tao Program is infused with wonderful and transformative Healing Sounds composed by music producer Jami Deva.  Jami explores the further reaches of rhythm in his music inducing trance states, breakthrough breath-work, and the relationship of sound to light - truly a visionary musician and shamanic explorer. The music soundtrack used in the Good Morning Tao Program comes from the Wonderland and Qi Goddess Series of Jami Deva.  This music is based on the solfeggio frequencies of healing. These tones and harmonic structures used in this music facilitate cellular regeneration, healing and subtle energy activation. Truly a wonderful and powerful healing addition to this amazing, life changing program...





The Good Morning Tao Program will guide you step by step to Awaken your Healing Energy - bringing you closer to Nature and into a life of Greater Health & Harmony...


This course has such beautiful content,  practice methods which Awaken Energy & Transform your Life, visually stunning scenery,  rare and unseen training methods and is literally like nothing else in the market...   

  • 5 unique Taoist Yoga training videos.                             VALUE - $100.
  • 8 unique Video Lectures on Taoist Yoga.                         VALUE - $50.  
  • Good Morning Tao Workbook.                                          VALUE - $25. 

We are so excited with our wonderful course, and want to support your health and healing goals - so we have decided to discount this program to the amazing price of $75 - A  SAVINGS OF $100 - join now and begin walking the Path of Taoist Yoga & Qigong in your life - helping you to experience a wonderful life transformation, healing benefits and greater health and vitality...



Join our life changing program of self transformation, and begin your journey to Greater Health, Happiness and Harmony - ONLY $75 - LIMITED TIME OFFER -



*** special discount - LIMITED TIME ONLY - $100 Savings ***


  • 5 Gates of Change Program
  • 5 Unique Taoist Yoga training Videos.
  • PDF Companion workbook -                  (90 pages in length)
  • Longevity Self Massage Video Training.
  • 8 Lectures on Taoist Yoga, How to Practice, and the 5 Gates of Change.

In harmony with Tao, the sky is clear and spacious. the earth is solid and full, all creatures flourish together in harmony.

Return is the movement of the Tao.

Yielding is the way of the Tao.

One who is in harmony with Tao is like a newborn child...  soft and flexible; full of vital power.

complete in its harmony.

~ Lao Tzu


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